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The Optical Lever

An optical lever is a convenient device to magnify a small displacement and thus to make possible an accurate measurement of the displacement. Experiment M-11, Young's modulus, uses an optical lever to magnify the extension of a wire produced by a series of different loads.

The plate P carries a mirror M. The mirror mount has two points resting in a fixed groove, F, and at the other end has a single point resting on the object whose displacement one is measuring. Raising the object through a distance $\Delta L$ will tilt the mirror through an angle $\theta $ or $\Delta L/d$ radians (approximately) but will turn the light beam through an angle $2\theta $.


Figure 1: Schematic of the optical lever.


\begin{displaymath}\theta \; = \; \frac{\Delta L}{d} \sim \frac{\frac{1}{2}
( y_1-y_0)}{D}\end{displaymath}

if $\theta $ is small so that $\theta \sim \tan \theta $. Therefore

\begin{displaymath}2\theta = \frac{2\Delta L}{d} = \frac{y_1-y_0}{D}, \; \mbox{and} \;
\Delta l = (y_1-y_0)\left[ \frac{d}{2D}\right]  .\end{displaymath}

Note that with the telescope nearly perpendicular to the scale at the beginning then $y_0$ is close to the telescope, and the difference between two elongations ( $\Delta L_2 -\Delta L_1$) is very accurately given by

\begin{displaymath}\Delta L_2 - \Delta L_1 = \frac{y_2 d}{2D} -
\frac{y_1 d}{2D} = \frac{( y_2-y_1) d}{2D}\end{displaymath}

where $y_{i}$ is the scale reading. This relation holds so long as $2\theta $ is small enough that $\tan 2\theta  \sim  2 \theta $.

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Physics Laboratory 2001-08-29