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General Instructions and Helpful Hints


Physics 201/202 and 207/208 are introductory calculus-based physics courses which introduce the undergraduate student to a broad spectrum of fundamental physical laws spanning from mechanics to heat and thermodynamics to electricity and magnetism to waves and light. To help develop a meaningful understanding of these physics principles the beginning student is presented with a variety of resources: textbooks, lectures and demonstrations, problem solving, discussion sessions and the laboratory.

Of these, the laboratory component furnishes a unique opportunity for demonstrating physical principles in both a qualitative and quantitative hands-on fashion. An inseparable aspect of this laboratory experience should be the realization that physics is, first or foremost, an experimental science in which the limitations of the instrumentation and the technique of the experimenter can heavily impact the scientific process. Hence this laboratory experience is intended to provide the student with a diverse set of experiences including: a realistic feeling for the origin and limitations of physical concepts; an awareness of experimental errors, of ways to minimize them and how to estimate the reliability of the result in an experiment; an appreciation of the need for keeping clear and accurate records of experimental investigations.

Throughout this laboratory experience there is one crucial step for achieving these stated goals in an enduring way: Simply put, a clearly written laboratory notebook in which each of the aforementioned components is documented and recorded. This lab notebook, at a minimum, should contain the following:

  1. Heading of the Experiment: Copy from the manual the number and name of the experiment.
    Include both the current date and the name(s) of your partner(s).

  2. Original data: Original data must always be recorded directly into your notebook as they are gathered. ``Original data'' are the actual readings you have taken. For example if you know that each in a series of distance measurements is in error by a constant offset of 0.006 mm, then you should record the actual readings (containing this error) and then, afterwards, either correct each data point or the average. In this way it will always be clear that you have made appropriate corrections. Also, when you take 5 or 6 successive readings of a measurement, record each reading, not just the average. From the scatter of the readings, you can estimate the precision of the measurement. Both partners should record data, so that errors of recording show up. (Complete trackability, say if you were producing a part for the space shuttle, would require that you record serial numbers of equipment. You could then find the same equipment to check results later.) Arrange data in tabular form when appropriate, and properly label each item or table.

  3. Housekeeping deletions: You may think that a notebook combining all work would soon become quite a mess and have a proliferation of erroneous and superseded material. Indeed it might, but you can improve matters greatly with a little housekeeping work every hour or so. Just draw a box around any erroneous or unnecessary material and hatch three or four parallel diagonal lines across this box. (This way you can come back and rescue the deleted calculations later if you should discover that the first idea was right after all. It occasionally happens.) Append a note to the margin of box explaining to yourself what was wrong.

    We expect you to keep up your notes as you go along. Don't take your notebook home to ``write it up" - you probably have more important things to do than making a beautiful notebook. (Instructors may permit occasional exceptions if they are satisfied that you have a good enough reason.)

  4. Remarks and sketches: Avoid, when possible, ``pictorial" sketches of apparatus. On the other hand, a simple diagrammatic sketch is useful and is sometimes the simplest and clearest way to define the various quantities indicated in a table of data; a phrase or sentence introducing each table or calculation is essential for making sense out of the notebook record. When a useful result occurs at any stage, describe it with at least a word or phrase.

  5. Graphs: There are three appropriate methods:
    Affix furnished graph paper in your notebook with transparent tape.
    Affix a computer generated graph paper in your notebook with transparent tape.
    Mark out and plot a simple graph directly in your notebook.
    Show points as dots, circles, or crosses, i.e., $\cdot$, $o$, or $\times$. Instead of connecting points by straight lines, draw a smooth curve which may actually miss most of the points but which shows the functional relationship between the plotted quantities. Fasten directly into the notebook any original data in graphic form (such as the spark tapes of Experiment M4).

  6. Units, coordinate labels: Physical quantities always require a number and a dimensional unit to have meaning. Likewise, graphs have abscissas and ordinates which always need labeling.

  7. Final data, results and conclusions: At the end of an experiment some written comments and a neat summary of data and results will make your notebook more meaningful to both you and your instructor. Note that perfect results are not essential when making a quantitative measurement. ``Good'' results occur when your value agrees, within appropriate limits of error, with the expected result. ``Bad'' results occur if the measured value falls outside the range given by uncertainty. This latter result may be perfectly acceptable if a satisfactory explanations (i.e., a legitimate error) for the failure can be forwarded. In fact, most people seem to learn more from their failures rather than their successes.



Limitations of space and equipment usually require that one works with a partner. In addition, discussing your work with someone as you go along is often stimulating and of educational value.

Independent calculations; checks: If possible both partners should perform completely independent calculations. Mistakes in calculation are inevitable, and the more complete the independence of the two calculations, the better is the check against these mistakes. Poor results on experiments sometimes arise from computational errors.


We recommend a large bound or spiral notebook with paper of good enough quality to stand occasional erasures (needed most commonly in improving pencil sketches or graphs). To correct a wrong number always cross it out instead of erasing: thus 3.1461 ////// 3.1416 since occasionally the correction turns out to be a mistake, and the original number was right. Coarse (1/4 inch) cross-ruled pages are more versatile than blank or line pages. They are useful for tables, crude graphs and sketches while still providing the horizontal lines needed for plain writing. Put everything that you commit to paper right into your notebook. Avoid scribbling notes on loose paper; such scraps often get lost. A good plan is to write initially only on the right-hand pages, leaving the left page for afterthoughts and for the kind of exploratory calculations that you might do on scratch paper.


Plan your work so that you can complete calculations, graphing and miscellaneous discussions before you leave the laboratory. Your instructor will check each completed lab report and will usually write down some comments, suggestions or questions in your notebook.

Your instructor can help deepen your understanding and ``feel" for the subject. Feel free to talk over your work with him or her.

Using the Computers: Printing You will want to avoid printing two copies in rapid succession. Wait for your computer to finish ``spooling'' before sending your next print job, or you risk crashing your computer and thereby loosing all your data.

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Physics Laboratory 2001-08-29