Comments/Suggestions From the Net (Thank you!)
Your Suggestions/Comments are highly appreciated! Send me Mail
*** Please check out Thick Lenses java applet
Dear Professor Fu-Kwun Hwang
My name is Taha Mzoughi and I am an assistant professor of Physics at Mississippi State University. I am currently compiling a library of Web-based simulations and animations for a CD-ROM to accompany the forthcoming third edition of Jones and Childers' CONTEMPORARY COLLEGE PHYSICS book. The library will supplement software developed for the book by McGraw-Hill publishing. The intent is for me to write an HTML page including a link to the selected web resource along with credit to the author and text relating the animation/simulation to the book content. In some cases, we might need to include operation instructions. To reduce problems due to web traffic and to changes in web addresses we prefer to include a copy of the actual animation/simulation on the CD.
As a bound-in supplement to the book, the CD is intended to provide the student with increased resources and a pathway to the resources available on the Web without augmenting the cost of the book. We are mainly interested in material that students can access for free on the Web. Credit to authors, links to their sites, and any other material that we (or you) feel is needed will be provided. I particularly like some of the simulation/animations/applets you have developed and think that they are excellent candidates for the library. The applets I am seeking permission for are at the following URLs: ....
hrough this email, I am formally asking you for permission to include your simulation/animations/applets in the Contemporary College Physics CD. If you accept this offer, McGraw Hill Publishing will send you a printed version of the agreement. Obviously, to include your software in the CD, we need assurances that you have full rights on all of its content. If you are not the appropriate person to contact for permission, please let me know whom to contact. Agreeing to include your simulation/animations/applets in the CD will give McGraw Hill Publishing a NONEXCLUSIVE right to distribute the software free of charge with the book.
I believe your simulation/animations/applets to be an excellent educational tool and I would like to help get more students to take full advantage of it. I am looking forward to the possibility of working with you on this matter.
Please note that the publishing schedule is tight and I need your reply ASAP. You may contact me at (phone 601-325-2923) or contact McGraw Hill Publishing directly by sending email to David Dietz at Please include your "snail mail" address in your reply.
We request permission to use the material in Jones/Childers third edition and subsequent editions of that book (this is standard for excerpted material), but not in other books. The permission letters reads:
We request your permission to include the following material on the bound-in CD-ROM in this and all subsequent editions of the book, including versions made by nonprofit organizations for use of blind or physically handicapped persons (and in all foreign language translations and other derivative works), for distribution throughout the world.
[Taha Mzoughi] I hope that this is fine with you. Your Applets are great and students and teachers will greatly benefit from having them readily available. I have made a presentation Friday to about 60 teachers from around here. I showed some of your applets and they loved them. Most of the teachers still don't have internet access readily available. Remember also that you are retaining the right to publishing the applets elsewhere.
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作者:國立台灣師範大學 物理系 黃福坤